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explain ourselvesの例文


  • We need to explain ourselves better to our friend America,
  • The time will come and we will explain ourselves clearly and very completely.
  • No one gave us an opportunity to explain ourselves.
  • But it is necessary that we should explain ourselves to one another ."
  • I think we can explain ourselves a lot better,
  • When we have taken such a decision we never explain ourselves on radios,
  • For us to explain ourselves as a church, we need to say that.
  • We have no reason to explain ourselves.
  • And every time we would explain ourselves,'No, Rachel, we were just kidding . "'
  • "We are going to have do a lot more to explain ourselves to a lot more people " he said.
  • Especially us, because we always say things to people, we will have to explain ourselves and this is the business of diplomacy.
  • We might rather learn how to explain ourselves better . "'talk ) 03 : 41, 13 June 2008 ( UTC)
  • "If we explain ourselves elsewhere than in the street, we will find the path to reforms that are inevitable, " he said.
  • "In the past, we never tried to explain ourselves to the American public, " he said, declining to disclose the full budget.
  • One is our own failure over the past two decades to really explain ourselves in Arabic and to puncture canards about U . S . policy with hard facts.
  • I am convinced that if we talk together, if we explain ourselves other than in the street, we will find the path to reforms that are inevitable.
  • It's nice not to have to explain ourselves all the time now, but I hope we don't plan ourselves out of our best work ."
  • But in his column, Passlacqua said what is important is that the doll " will help us explain ourselves, as we are, to all Americans ."
  • But then, revealing a curiously Australian habit of self-blame, McPherson added : " In fairness, we might be at fault for not trying to explain ourselves ."
  • "It is always in our interest to explain ourselves, particularly between friends, and I think it is at that moment where one must show courage and cool-headedness, " he said.
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